The variety of herniated disc medicine choices may vary, but virtually all of the drugs that are used to treat back and neck pain can create serious health risks, pose problematic interactions and enact noticeable side effects. Herniated disc drugs are the most commonly utilized of all treatment modalities. In fact, in today’s pill-happy medical system, it is common for patients to be treated exclusively with pharmaceutical measures, regardless of safety or the purely symptomatic nature of said therapy.
This article will further explore medications used to treat disc pain in the back and neck, as well as detail the downside of drug treatment.
Medicine Choices for Bulging Discs
When it comes to herniated discs, the most commonly prescribed types of pharmaceuticals include pain management drugs, anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxants. Patients are virtually never told that none of these pills will actually heal anything or cure their disc issue, if indeed the disc is truly responsible for the pain to begin with.
More often, patients take the pills for weeks or months and wonder: “Ok, now what?”, being that they still have pain. When this occurs, responsible practitioners will realize that the disc issue is not going to respond to the drug barrage and should inform their patients about alternate diagnostic possibilities or non-pharmaceutical treatment options.
However, in a great number of cases, pharmaceutical therapy is simply escalated, using ever more potent and dangerous chemical compounds which have inherent risks for health concerns, and possibly, addiction. Liver damage is a common consequence of ongoing pharmaceutical therapy and typically ends up being a primary health problem, replacing the very condition originally treated with the drugs in the first place.
Herniated Disc Medicine Problems
Taking drugs for back or neck pain is perhaps the worst possible method of care, but is also the most prevalent. Pain management pills are the most dangerous, with dependency and organ damage being major concerns here. Anti-inflammatories are the least logical, as most back and neck pain does not involve any inflammatory process whatsoever. Muscle relaxants can also be addictive and are rarely needed or effective in back pain sufferers.
Ironically, most of these drugs work with minimal efficacy for actual herniated disc pain concerns. Patients with misdiagnosed symptoms respond slightly better, since the source of their pain is another structural or nonstructural process which may respond positively to any type of pain management.
Herniated Disc Medicine Solutions
I know that many of you reading this can not imagine life without your medication. You have come to rely on the pills in order to function at any level or at last enjoy some small respite from the suffering blamed on your herniated discs. I completely understand your desperation and seeming lack of options in this matter.
Instead of losing hope, consider the alternatives. Start by thinking about your diagnosis. If the pain is truly from a disc issue, then there should be a true cure which will allow you to be free from the pharmaceutical slavery. The solution may be spinal decompression, or even herniated disc surgery, but it should exist.
If there are no effective options, and your pain has not responded to conservative care, then there is an excellent chance that the diagnosis has been mistaken all along. Misdiagnosis happens quite often and is responsible for chronic pain in countless millions of patients.
Even if symptomatic care is your only choice, then you might want to consider non-pharmaceutical means of achieving this end. There are many other possible effective modalities to explore, including acupuncture, acupressure, massage, TENS, exercise, meditation and chiropractic. All of these therapies are detailed on this website. Use the search function in the right column to find all the relevant articles.
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